Professional outsourcing solutions

Focus on vertical industry and professional outsourcing services。Based on FESCO Adecco's many years of deep industry and rich experience in professional services, through a variety of recruitment channels, professional personnel management and standardized operating procedures, we simplify customer employment procedures, improve business operation efficiency and reduce personnel management costs。

Information technology service

To provide customers with a full range of professional manpower and project solutions, the use of their own service system and management capabilities, to help customers quickly recruit talents, to help customers succeed in business, to provide a new impetus for the digital transformation of enterprises。

Digital technology manpower outsourcing

Reduce cost and increase efficiency for customers, solve the needs of R&D positions, and provide on-site development services for R&D positions。

Test and operation services

Use the advanced concept of IT operation and maintenance management to meet the needs of different customer types, improve the efficiency of operation and maintenance management, and reduce operating costs。

Project implementation service

Develop efficient delivery models for customers through professional management combined with cutting-edge onshore and offshore delivery experience。

Customized software services

Customized development based on the software products, platforms or tools independently developed by the company, and provide supporting technical services。

Consumer goods retail services

Provide a full range of business outsourcing services including the whole process of human resources outsourcing, from insight to planning, production, implementation and tracking and evaluation of omni-channel marketing services。Deep cooperation with brands, use digital tools to manage stores and employees, strengthen customer-centric marketing business processes, and improve terminal operation efficiency, brand terminal performance, retail profitability and consumer satisfaction。

Marketing outsourcing

Provide offline retail business process and personnel management。Such as the overall operation of relevant functions, terminal positions (shopping guides/promoters, tally clerks, sales representatives, etc.) recruitment and personnel management, on-site implementation supervision services。

Offline flexible employment full service

In response to the needs of peak and valley changes in retail stores, rapid brand expansion, offline activities and other needs, to provide a full range of offline retail part-time staff services。

Terminal inspection full service

Through the mysterious visitors to the frontline staff service level, professional knowledge, sales skills and other assessments, diagnosis of daily business problems, to provide professional solutions, to help enterprises establish brand standards。

Marketing campaign service

Provide brand marketing activities planning, implementation, feedback and other services to achieve corporate marketing goals。

For services to the biomedical industry

Provide job outsourcing, project professional outsourcing and human resources consulting and training services for the biomedical industry。 Customer segments: Medical devices, biological agents, medical services, chemical apis, chemical agents, health materials, proprietary Chinese medicines, pharmaceutical business, etc。

Customer segments: Medical devices, biological agents, medical services, chemical apis, chemical agents, health materials, proprietary Chinese medicines, pharmaceutical business, etc。

Position radiation: SAS programmer, laboratory researcher, clinical data management, clinical coordinator, data operation, data service, resident engineer, medical device maintenance engineer, etc。

For government and public services

Provide professional human resources and government project outsourcing services for the government and state-owned enterprises。Provide whole-process job outsourcing for public institutions;To provide employment promotion, regional talent construction and training, administrative activities organization and management, archives outsourcing and other services for Shanghai People's Social Security Bureau, subdistrict and other government departments。

Job radiation: street nurse doctor, statistics bureau statistician, data analyst, short-term project staff, etc。

One-stop financial and tax services

Provide city-wide and cross-regional fiscal and tax sharing services, corporate fiscal and tax process outsourcing, corporate fiscal and tax consulting, corporate business services, cross-border services, fiscal and tax post outsourcing and other comprehensive fiscal and tax solutions to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency。

Successful case

Internet outsourcing solutions

Use digital talent management system to help improve labor efficiency, optimize management costs, build a dedicated talent pool and dedicated recruitment service team

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Digital technology outsourcing solutions

Innovative human resources end-to-end service solutions continue to create value for customers

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Flexible employment solutions for consumer retail industry

Nationwide store part-time staff recruitment,
Pay, risk control

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One-stop labor management + fiscal and tax portfolio solution

Comprehensive fiscal and tax solutions,
Help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency

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